Xpc recognizes the following ability and age divisions and weight classes:
Special Olympics - the athlete must be a current member of a Special Olympics team. An athlete who qualifies for the Special Olympics division is not required to compete as Special Olympics. Special Olympic division will have it's own records. Rankings are not separated. Judges for the Special Olympics athlete must be comfortable with the unique exceptions based on athlete disabilities.
Meets run as a Special Olympics event can only allow Special Olympics athletes to compete. Coordination with the regional Special Olympics office is required.
Age: Youth Up through 10, Teen 11-13, Teen 14-15, Teen 16-17, Teen 18-19, Junior 20-23, Open, Submaster 35-39, Master: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60- 64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+
Men’s Women’s
Kilograms Pounds Kilograms Pounds
52 114.5 0-44 97.0
56 123.25 48 105.75
60 132.25 52 114.5
67.5 148.75 56 123.25
75 165.25 60 132.25
82.5 181.75 67.5 148.75
90 198.25 75 165.25
100 220.25 82.5 181.75
110 242.5 90 198.25
125 275.5 100 220.25
140 308.5 100.01+ SHW
140.01+ SHW
It is at the meet director's discretion to use these categories for the purposes of the competition. But the information still must be recorded and forwarded to the federation director to be used to record the actual records correctly.
Whatever system the meet director decides to use for the purpose of competition needs to be described on the meet application so that the lifter is aware before entering the competition.
Rules of the Squat
Facing the front of the platform, the lifter must assume an upright position with the top of the bar not more than six (6) cm. or two (2) in. below the top of the anterior deltoids. The bar should be held horizontally across the shoulders with the hands and/or fingers gripping the bar. The lifter shall not hold the collars, sleeves, or plates at anytime during the performance of the lift. The edge of the hands gripping the bar, however, may come in contact with the inner surface of the collar.
Should the set up of the bar or footing be incorrect the lifter has the opportunity to re-rack the weight and prepare again for the start of the lift. This may be done three times before the attempt is waived.
When the hooks of the rack are removed or after the lifter has stepped back from the rack, the lifter must establish their start position with knees locked. Once Head referee deems that the lifter has shown control of the bar, a verbal “Squat” command will be given. The lifter may commence the lift at their will.
The lifter must bend the knees and lower the body until the top of the thigh at the hip, NOT the hip joint, is lower than the top of the kneecap. Locking and unlocking of the knees after the squat command is not defined as a descent. Any reverse of direction during downward descent is considered an attempt. Only one descent per attempt is allowed.
The lifter must recover at will, from the deepest point of the squat, without double bouncing or any downward movement (stopping is allowed) to an upright position with the knees locked.
When the lifter demonstrates control after the returning to an upright position with the knees locked, the referee will give the signal to replace the bar on the rack. The signal to replace the bar will consist of a backward motion of the hand and an audible command “RACK”. If the lifter loses their footing and drops the weight after receiving the rack signal they will be granted the attempt. If the lifter deliberately drops or dumps the bar at any time during the lift the lifter will be disqualified from the competition.
Causes for Disqualification during the Squat
Failure to observe the center referee’s signals at the start and at the completion of the lift.
Holding the collars, sleeves, or plates at anytime during the performance of the lift.
Failure to assume an upright position with the knees locked at the start and completion of the lift.
Reversing the of direction during downward descent and then continuing the descent, double bouncing or more than one recovery attempt at the bottom of the lift, or any downward movement once the ascent from the bottom of the lifts begins.
Failure to lower the body until the surface of the thigh at the hip is lower than the top of the kneecap.
Contact with the bar by the lifter’s spotters between the beginning of the descent and the referee’s signal, except where a lifter’s safety is concerned.
Contact with the lifter by the lifter’s back spotter between the beginning of the descent and the referee’s signal, except where a lifter’s safety is concerned.
Contact of the elbows or upper arms with the legs.
Failure to make a bonafide effort to return the bar to the racks.
Intentionally dropping or dumping the bar.
Rules of the Bench Press
The lifter assumes a starting position on their back with upper body and buttocks in contact with the flat bench surface. Head movement is allowed including turning or raising the head. The buttocks must remain in contact with the flat bench surface during the entire range of motion. Any portion of the foot must be in contact with the floor and may move in any direction without penalty (i.e., slide or slip), but must stay in contact with the floor. The feet may not come in contact with the bench support for leverage or anchoring. Anchoring is also not allowed by means of strapping or tying a lifter to the bench. Objects may not be placed between the surface of the bench pad and the lifter, the only exception is a t-shirt, cloth or towel, laid completely flat in the instances of excessive sweating.
To achieve firm footing, the lifter may use plates or blocks to build up the surface of the platform. However, some part of the foot must remain in contact with the surface.
The spacing of the hands shall not exceed 81 cm. (or 32 inches), measured between the forefingers. A reverse grip is permissible, providing the distance between the little fingers does not exceed 81 cm. A false/thumbless grip is permissible, providing the distance between the forefingers does not exceed 81 cm.
Should the lifter choose to use a false/thumbless grip the lifter assumes all responsibility of any liability to him/herself or anyone on the platform as a result of using this grip. If the lifter cannot show safe control of the bar with a false/thumbless grip, they will be notified by any platform judge to change grip for any remaining attempts. If the lifter refuses to change grip from a false/thumbless grip to standard or reverse grip, they will forfeit any remaining attempts.
The lifter may enlist the help of the spotter/loaders in removing the bar from the racks. The lift-off must be released at arms length and NOT while moving down to the chest. If the lifter so wishes, he may utilize his own hand-off person. Once letting go of the bar the hand-off person must position themself to allow the head judge to be able to see the lifter in order to give the lift commands.
After receiving the bar at arms length the lifter must show locked control of the lift and the handoff person must have their hands off of the bar to receive the head judge’s verbal “Bench” command to commence the lift. Once the command is given the lifter, at will, shall lower the bar to his chest in a controlled manner and await the referee’s command. Any reverse of direction during downward descent is considered an attempt.
The vocal command of “PRESS” is given when the center of the bar touches the torso in a controlled manner.
After the command to resume the lift is given, the bar is pressed upward. During the ascent, the bar may stop in its upward motion, but is not allowed any downward movement. The bar is also allowed to extend unevenly (no more than 5 inches), but arms must extend to a locked-out position simultaneously and evenly at the completion of the lift. Once the bar is returned to straight arms length with elbows locked held under control the verbal “RACK” command is given by the head judge. The spotters will assist in returning the bar to the rack.
Lifters who "sink" into their bellies with the bar should notify the head judge a head of time that they do so. This way the head judge can be sure to wait for the bar to complete sinking before given the press. If the head judge gives the press command and then the lifter sinks the bar into his/her belly, this will be considered a downward movement after the press command and therefore a disqualification of the attempt.
Causes for Disqualification for the Bench Press
Failure to observe any of the three referee’s commands during the lift.
Failure to wait or get the Bench Command may be deemed a “Soft Start” defined as follows:
Lifter fails to start with arms in fully “Locked” position prior to lowering bar to torso.
Lifter commences the lift with his handoff person’s hands still on the bar.
Lifter’s handoff person assists in lowering the bar into a more advantageous starting position thus bypassing the “Locked” starting position.
Upon the center referee witnessing a lifter committing one of these infractions, the Referee will “wave off” the lift, instruct the spotter to “take the bar,” and inform the scoring table of a “soft start” infraction. The attempt will be forfeited and the lifter can continue if they have any attempts remaining.
Raising the buttocks from the bench press surface or raising the foot completely off the floor.
Contact of the lifter’s feet with any part of the bench during the lift.
Downward movement by either hand once the “PRESS” command is given. This includes sinking, heaving or bouncing the bar off the chest.
Any uneven extension of the bar at the completion of the lift. An exception to this is if the lifter has provided documentation or demonstration a legitimate physical defect to the meet director and referees prior to the lift.
The bar may make incidental contact with the bench uprights and still be considered a good lift, however, deliberate use of the uprights for leverage is disallowed.
Lifting of the bar by the spotter/loaders between the referee’s PRESS and RACK signals.
It is the responsibility of the lifter to inform his hand-off person to clear the bench area in front of the referee. Failure to do so may be cause for disqualification of the lift.
Rules of the Dead Lift
Facing the front of the platform, the lifter grasps the bar laid horizontally at their feet with an optional grip in both hands and lifts upward in one movement until the lifter is standing erect. The bar is allowed to stop, but no downward movement is allowed. There is no start command for the deadlift.
Upon completion of the lift, the lifter shall be standing erect with hips and knees locked. The shoulders must be square and are not required to be thrust back past the erect position. If they are thrust back and all other criteria is acceptable, the lift will be considered good.
The lifter shall stay in this erect position with shoulders back and hips and knees locked until the center referee’s signal consisting of a downward motion of the hand and the verbal command “DOWN”. The signal will not be given until the bar is held under control and the lifter is in the finished position. The “DOWN” command will be given regardless if the lift is good or not; or prior to the completion of the lock out if an obvious infraction has been committed in an effort to save the energy of the lifter for any remaining attempts.
Any raising of the bar or deliberate bona fide attempt to break contact between the floor and the weights will be considered an attempt.
If the plates leave the floor for any reason, even if just aggressively shaking or pulling the slack out of the bar, the attempt will be considered started.
Causes for Disqualification for the Deadlift
Any downward movement of the bar during the upward movement during the lift.
Failure to stand erect with the shoulder and hips in an erect position.
Failure to lock the knee straight at the completion of the lift.
Supporting the bar on the thighs during the performance of the lift.
Lowering the bar before receiving the center referee’s signal.
Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands or deliberately dropping the bar after the referee’s signal.
Any stepping movement or loss of balance during the lift.
1. The lifter may utilize their own rear and side spotters for the squat if requested. If the lifter’s own spotter/s interfere with the judges’ ability to see the lift being performed and accurately judge the lift, the lift will be disqualified. If the spotter/s at fault for impeding the judges’ view are part of the platform personnel, the benefit goes to the lifter. However if the attempt is for an All-Time World Record the lifter will be given another attempt.
2. Incidental contact with the bar or lifter by the platform personnel during the lift is not deemed a disqualification. If the spotters end an attempt prior to notification by a referee, lifter themselves or lifter’s coach, the lifter will be given another attempt.
3. It is at the meet director's discretion to use the 1 minute rule. If used, it means that the lifter has 60 seconds from the time the head judge says that the platform is ready to begin their lift. If they time out, that lift is forfeit.
4. Changes in openers can be made until the beginning of that lifter's flight.
Equipment and Raw Classifications
All lifters are required to wear a one-piece suit (singlet, onesie). Exceptions to wearing the singlet may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis due to the special need or physical restriction of individual lifters. A non-compressive undergarment may be worn to extend the length of leg covered by fabric. The length of the leg of the singlet or undergarment may not cover the knee. ***A referee MUST do a visual inspection of the lifter's uniform, attire and equipment, etc. after a successful world record attempt is made. The referee must check the lifter's equipment on the platform immediately following the lift. If the lifter is wearing illegal attire, the record will not count and the attempt will be disqualified.
For “Equipped” Lifting
Squat suit leg may not exceed six (6) inches from the middle of the crotch to the knee when worn. Squat briefs are allowed. The squat suit qualifies as the one-piece lifting suit during the event.
SINGLE PLY – one knit or woven layers is allowed. All single ply equipment will be inspected and tagged at weigh-in and checked again on the platform in the event of a record. Squat briefs are not allowed as it would create more than one layer.
Rubber in the form of rubber bands similar to resistance training bands, rubber in a cylindrical form similar to a bungee cords and a “poured mold ” fashion whether adhered or woven into the fabric are not permitted. Use of rubber or similar materials are allowed for seam protection or repair as long as the rubber does not span between weight bearing areas of the garment.
Inside of singlet with the front of singlet cut from the neckline to the belt buckle so that the judges can see the belt buckle.
Inside of singlet where a hole is cut in the singlet to allow the buckle to be exposed.
Unlimited bench shirts: These shirts are brands currently known as: Bench Daddy, F8, Scorpion. The chest plate must lay flat to the chest and not bend over during execution building up the area the bar will touch to. They must have sleeves that cover the armpits. They can be closed or open backed.
SINGLE PLY – one knit or woven layers is allowed. All single ply equipment will be inspected and tagged at weigh-in and checked again on the platform in the event of a record.
Multi PLY –
Sleeves must be pulled up and must rest above the elbow and expose the entire joint. A lifter is not permitted to wear multiple shirts in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.
Any number of layers are allowed as long as they are sewn into one piece and lay flat against the chest. Thickness of all layers cannot exceed 13 mm
Lifters are not permitted to place an object beneath their bench shirt in an effort to artificially shorten their bench stroke.
Women are permitted to wear a sports bra and/or tank top under their equipment. Men wear a tank top or no shirt at all.
SQUAT and DEADLIFT – A lifter may wear their belt either on the inside or outside of their suit, with the buckle in any position.
Deadlift Socks are not required
For “RAW” Lifting
Knee wraps shall not exceed three (3) meters in length or three (3) inches in width and must be of a single layer construction. Multiple ply /layer knee wraps or sleeves are not allowed. A single layer knee sleeve can be worn, but wraps and sleeves may not be combined. Knee wraps must be secured by using the “cinch” method. Securing knee wrap with Velcro is not acceptable. Knee wraps may not touch the socks or the lifting suit when upright. Contact is allowed during the execution of the lift. No objects are allowed under the single knee wraps.
Bench equipment is limited to belt, wrist wraps. No support may be worn on the elbows or chest.
Belt maximum width is not to exceed 4 ½ inches. Thickness of the belt may not exceed 1/2 inch. Material construction of the belt or closure type is not restricted.
Wrist wraps cannot exceed 48 inches long or 3 inches wide. A wrist wrap may come in contact with the palm, but cannot overlap it coming in direct contact with the bar. Only one wrap is permitted per wrist. Thumb loops on wrist wraps must be removed from any finger before executing the lift. “Casting” where wrapped past mid-forearm to “mimic” a hard cast is not permitted.
Footwear is optional during all lifts. Cleated or spiked shoes are not permitted. Socks may not overlap the knee or not touch the knee wrap in an upright position. Contact is allowed during the execution of the lift. Full leg coverings are not permitted during competition.
T-shirts – Shirts with sleeves that end above the elbow or no sleeves may be worn. Shirts may be decorated with any design or logo provided it is not obscene or profane.
Elbow Sleeves – Single layer elbow sleeves are permitted during the squat and deadlift, but not in the bench press.
Mouth/Teeth Guards are optional and not regulated.
Taped Fingers – Fingers may be taped when using the hook grip only for deadlift. Taping must be approved by the referrees, any excessive taping must be removed prior to the start of the lift within the one minute lift clock.
Weigh Ins
Weigh ins cannot begin more than 24 hours before the competition starts
At weigh in the following information must be collected
Actual body weight​
Confirm division information: age, equipment, pro/am status
Rack height if squatting
First attempt of each lift
Equipment check
Attempts are to be chosen in multiples of 5 lbs.
Youth division can use a non standard, smaller bar, for squat and bench. Only in deadlift if the attempt is smaller than 45lb. ​
Youth division can increase their attempts in increments of a pound at a time if the meet director has such plates available.
Record breaking attempts in any age division can be chosen to break a federation record by 3 lbs. An all time can be broken by 1 lb.
If for any reason a lifter must follow himself/herself, the lifter will be granted no less than three (3) minutes and no more than eight (8) minutes between attempts to be decided by the meet director.
Fourth attempts can only be made to break a record.
A fourth attempt will only be allowed if all 3 previous attempts in that lift were successful.​
3 unsuccessful attempts in any lift disqualifies that lift and any lift before it. If a record was set in a previous lift, that record is forfeit. The lifter may continue on in the meet and convert to another category (Iron man or deadlift only) at the discretion of the meet director. Any lifter attempting to submit their results deemed disqualified during their competition to any of the ranking bodies will be suspended for a period of 6 months from competing in the XPS federation. Meet results should be submitted by the meet director or XPS official only.
In the event of a misloading of the weight on the bar, if successful the lifter has the option of keeping the attempt and continuing. If the attempt was not successful, the lifter has the option to retake the attempt at the correct weight at the end of the flight.
Athletic Platform Attire
Maximum width of the belt is not to exceed 4 ½ inches. Thickness of the belt may not exceed 1/2 inch. Material construction of the belt or closure type is not restricted.
Wrist wraps cannot exceed 48 inches long or 3 inches wide. A wrist wrap may come in contact with the palm, but cannot overlap it coming in direct contact with the bar. Only one wrap is permitted per wrist. “Casting” where wrapped past mid-forearm to “mimic” a hard cast is not permitted. The thumb loop can be on or off the thumb.
Knee wraps shall not exceed three (3) meters in length or three (3) inches in width and must be of a single layer construction. A single layer knee sleeve can be worn, but wraps and sleeves may not be combined. Knee wraps must be secured by using the “cinch” method. Securing knee wrap with Velcro is not acceptable. Knee wraps may not touch the socks or the lifting suit when upright. Contact is allowed during the execution of the lift. No objects are allowed under the single knee wraps.
Footwear is optional during all lifts. Cleated or spiked shoes are not permitted. Socks may not overlap the knee or not touch the knee wrap in an upright position. Contact is allowed during the execution of the lift. Full leg coverings are not permitted during competition.
T-shirts – Shirts with sleeves that end above the elbow or no sleeves may be worn. Shirts may be decorated with any design or logo.
Elbow Sleeves – Single layer elbow sleeves are permitted during the squat and deadlift, but not in the bench press.
Mouth/Teeth Guards are optional and not regulated.
Taped Fingers – Fingers may be taped when using the hook grip only for deadlift. Taping must be approved by the referees, any excessive taping must be removed prior to the start of the lift within the one minute lift clock.
No foreign substance may be applied to the platform or equipment.
The use of oil, grease or other lubricants on the body, suit or personal equipment is forbidden. Powder may be used including chalk, talc, resin and magnesium carbonate or baby powder (pool hall “block chalk” is also allowed).
Powder shall only be applied in designated lifting areas.
Meet directors will provide chalk to lifters in the warm-up area and on the platform.
Lifting Gloves and Straps (items wrapped around the bar) are not permitted for any lift.